“Until you make the unconscious conscious, it will rule your life and you will call it fate” Carl Jung


Welcoming all that arises

Holistic Psychotherapy and Process-oriented Psychology acknowledges the lived experience of each unique person to overcome emotional and psychological challenges and promote healing through working with each person’s thoughts, feelings and body symptoms.

In this unfolding process through a 1-1 session I work with you in a supportive way to gain insights from your challenges, strengthen your resilience and developing strategies that feel true to you. It is my belief that than positive psychology or utilising coping mechanisms that feel like you are pushing uphill are more destructive than helpful. Instead, through deep listening and sensory grounded information we can utilise your own inner capacities and personal toolkit to find meaning and make positive changes.

As a therapist my support work includes:

  • Life transitions

  • Family and ancestral work

  • The Matrescence journey of early motherhood

  • Trauma

  • Grief and loss

  • Accessing anger as sacred awareness

  • Inner and outer conflict work

  • Somatic psychotherapy

  • Arts Therapy

  • Working with your Life Myth

  • Dream Analysis

It is my deepest desire that through our work together by exploring the soma (body) and psyche (soul and mind) we can nurture a container to expand your Self-Awareness, finding resolution between inner and outer conflict to create space for your internal and external life to flourish.

Get in touch for an initial phone consultation here

Keep some room in your heart for the unimaginable.”

― Mary Oliver